European ministry has taken
place in Spain, Italy, Austria, Greece, Hungary, and the Ukraine. In each
of these countries there has been much ministry on the ‘Father Heart of
Christine has been involved
in leader’s wives meetings, where she has taught the ladies the love that
the Father has for them and their worth in the Kingdom of God as women
of God. This was needful because of the culture of these people. Women
often are regarded as second class citizens, even in the Kingdom of God
In Hungary the work there
has been amongst Gypsy groups who have come to Christ as the result of
hearing the Gospel. The ongoing work and a Help Programme is led by our
good friends from Morecambe, Steve and Carrie Mathews
In the days ahead we are
praying much about the land of Turkey. Turkey is a nation rich in
Biblical history full of old and new testament events. The churches
of the book of revelation are in modern Turkey. Sadly little is
happening in the great land where the gospel message is concerned.
We are seeking the Lord as for future involvement.